So, this week was a good week, but I am seriously still bumming about a leftover salad that I boxed up and LEFT ON THE TABLE at a restaurant on Wednesday. It had so many toppings, it was basically a trailmix with a few lettuce leaves tossed in. Which I don't even have to tell you is the best kind of salad.
But, if that's that worst part of my week, then things are going pretty good, right?
Seriously though, I had a great week. It was my first full week operating in the marketing department instead of sales, and it's been a really nice change of pace. It's a totally different routine that I'm still falling into, but it's the good kind of different. After 5.5 years in the same role, I kind of forgot how good it feels to just have a change. I was talking with some co-workers about it yesterday and someone piped up that statistically people change jobs every 7 years. That spice of life, you know?
In other news, we had a vet do a house visit for our old dog Ralph yesterday. He's creeping up on 17 years (seriously!) and just kind of hit a wall recently. We know there's a clock ticking, but man you guys, I cannot tell you and make you believe the extent to which this is the best dog in the whole world. Like, the most obedient, super laidback, just happy to lay his head on your shoulder kind of good boy. The vet did talk to Ryan about, you know....but said we're not there quite yet. She pumped Ralphie full of some feel good goodies and he's definitely feeling a little more perky.
I did catch my sweet angel baby Duke crouched down next to Ralph on Thursday. He patted his head and said "don't worry Walphie. Doctor's coming for ya a-morrow." Which not only melted my heart, it also confirmed for me that Duke's not a sociopath and he can feel empathy. Which, I mean, you never know. It's not a given.
And a side note -- I think if our winters were more like fall, I could deal with it. I was walking through parking lot yesterday and the cool air felt nice, you know. But in a month, my face is going to hurt and I'll literally count how many days I have left before I can retire to Florida. Or Kentucky. Or anywhere warmer.
I had lunch with a few gals that I talk to every day, but so rarely get to spend actual time with. It was so nice to catch up. But it was also the day I left my salad on the table.
I think I've landed here every weekend for the last month and since they're closing for the season next week, I'll probably stop by at some point in the next couple days. Duke loves it, and not because they have donuts or pumpkins or hot apple cider. Nope. They've got piggies and they've got tractors. Thank you and goodbye.
They've also got chickens running around, which stopped him right in his tracks last weekend. He spun around so fast and yelled "oh no mom! Kickens!"
Full transparency - he might not really understand what "oh no Mom" means, because it's his tried and true way to catch my attention and he just throws it out there pretty much all the time. Or maybe it's just the only trait he got from me and and he's just going to freak out over everything for all of time.
I bought Duke a matching game on a whim last week, mostly because I used to play a game every night before bed with my Oma and Opa when I was younger. I really love that and it's one of the things I wish I could get Ryan to do with me. Sadly, he just isn't into it. Anyway, he's too old for me to change him, so I focus my energy on Duke. Lucky for me, he loves this game and now I'm antsy to find us a few more to get in the rotation. I'm thinking about scooping up Candy Land or Shoots and Ladders next time I'm at the grocery store.
I heard that we're supposed to dip into "snow-friendly" temperatures in the next week and a half, so priority number 7 for me is to wear the heck out of these shoes I got from JCrew at the end of the summer.
A couple people have asked me if spending most of my day writing at work would burn me out on writing blogs. Guess not!
Happy weekend! [no-sidebar]
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