Links | August 19, 2023

It's mid-August, so naturally our buying-stuff obsessed culture has leaned right into the next season. Back to school! Spooky season! Pumpkins! 

Listen, I'm no purist for the equinoxes, but when it's 90ยช outside, it's just not fall. 

My plan for the day, because it's going to be hot, is to slather on the sunscreen and head to the beach, because what I am willing to subscribe to is that summer is waning and our beach day opportunities are numbered. 

Long live summer and don't you fucking dare mention pumpkins to me until at least mid September. 

Links | August 19, 2023

Arcadia Beach featuring my dog nephew, Louis, who takes his guard dog role extremely seriously. 



Here's a few things I pushed publish on recently -

Musings on doing the things that make us feel alive

Ryan came home after a 3 week trip

A round-up of links from earlier this month

2 // INTO IT

Really digging my heels in and enjoying anything that feels like hot, sweaty, late summer. 

Links | August 19, 2023

Links | August 19, 2023

Links | August 19, 2023


Dang it, I was influenced. I ordered this plump+repair lip treatment with very high expectations thanks to ChelsThomps_

60% off clearance at JCrew Factory, and I'm just here to remind you that there's plenty of time to still enjoy these summer scores. A few standouts IMHO are these slides and this blouse that I'd argue will take you right into fall. 

Every. Single. Color. of these tank tops


Duke and I spent a day at Michigan's Adventure this week, and I will never stop singing that place's praises. Having gone to far busier amusement parks, I'm just like, why? We've got roller coasters with super short lines and all the Dippin' Dots you could want, right in our backyard. 

Speaking of which, we ate DD three times throughout the day. 

Links | August 19, 2023

Links | August 19, 2023

Links | August 19, 2023

Links | August 19, 2023

5 // LINKS

Underrated Great Lakes beaches to add to your (mostly) day trip list. 

You know what, let's just spike everything

Imaging myself in Italy, drinking an Aperol spritz and gallivanting around town in this

Very cosigned on this

Really enjoying the return of Pam Anderson.

A recipe for Strawberry Basil Margaritas 

Honestly it's embarrassing how much I love watching eatswithkelsie 's Crumble Cookie reviews. The dead voice. The aversion to fruit flavors. The occasional guest appearance of her mother. The first time I saw an actual CC, I stopped in for four overpriced cookies of my own. 


Reading: Anthony Bourdain, bless him. I will read every word he wrote. I trust that he could cook, but I know he could write so deliciously, it is almost a meal itself. I'm about a quarter of the way through A Cook's Tour and basically every chapter is an episode of No Reservations

Watching: Seinfeld mostly. While Ryan was away, I got in the habit of putting it on to fall asleep and in week two, I got hooked. Now I actually watch it and Duke does too. There are some adult jokes, but the early 90's was a different time for network TV so it's pretty tame.

I also started season 3 of Only Murders in the Building, but promptly decided to save that for later into the fall. The perfect October vibe and I enjoy having something so good to look forward to. 

Eating: I bought a big ol' bag of kale yesterday to make this Tahini Kale Caesar with Sweet Potato Fries. Big fan of tahini and big fan of sweet potatoes - what could go wrong? 

7 // PLANS

It's not sexy, but I have a large list of administrative tasks to complete that I've been ignoring. 

I've had school shopping on my to-do list for my big boy who has grown out of all his pants, and they all have rips at the knees besides, so maybe I'll get around to that. 

I might cook the chicken breasts I've had marinating since Wednesday. 

I casually mentioned swapping my office room with Duke's bedroom and now he's hellbent on it. It's a good idea honestly. He needs the bigger room and I don't, so I may start that process. But I may not. Who knows. 

Happy Weekending! May the days be long and the Monday be far far away. 

PS - there are some affiliate links in here, but aren't they everywhere? If you click on a link, they'll throw me a couple pennies for our combined hardwork, so I guess click with caution. 

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