Life Lately | September
The last month of summer, poof, gone again. Duke said to me yesterday "good thing it's not winter, mom, because I know you hate winter." I could have just cried. I do hate winter, so much that my five year old is perceptive to it. God, I can't wait to be an old snowbird and instead of getting sad at the end of September, get excited to hop on a plane and go somewhere else for six months. Only 40 more years or so.
Anyway, September was nice, and so far, October is coming in hot (literally) with 80º days, so I'll just put that on my silver linings list and work on some forced positivity. October is truly one of the nicer months - and so far, it's been really lovely.
We're in the last hundred days of the year, so I'm thinking about finally getting started on my New Year's resolutions. I - lol - said I wanted to write a book this year, so now is probably the time to get frantic about that. Seriously though, September is a nice refresh month -- what with it's return to routines after a lazy summer.
Speaking of routines, real big routine shift over here -- Duke started school! I did not get a first day of school picture with random questions answered on a tiny handheld chalkboard, so you can just take my millennial mom card away.
We decided on pre-k this year, since he's a fall baby, and so far, he's loving it! He's been really adamantly against school in the weirdest way for literally years. Like, well before he even had to worry about going to school, he would tell us that he would run away, or hulk smash his desk, and I'm not sure where he got a bad idea about it, but I'm guessing it was just nerves.
Happily, on his first day, there was a surprising lack of tears, and he's doing just fine! Turns out, playing with other kids is a real blast.
He doesn't remember anyone's names, except one mystery kid named Brantley, who can apparently run faster than Duke, but he's full of new songs and asks if it's a school day almost every morning. I just hope it sticks!
September really was the Duke show, by the way. He had a big birthday on the 13th -- 5!
We start perusing Pinterest in mid-July to talk about birthday cakes, and we're deep in a Spiderman phase, if you can't tell by the appearance of an avenger or two in every recent picture of Duke. Five years ago, I gave birth to a baby, but drawing spiderwebs with black icing and shaky hands proved to be a harder task IMHO.
Lucky for me, Duke judges lightly.
I posted this to Instagram - basically the same picture, five years apart + superhero masks. Time sure does fly!
Ryan also celebrated a whopper of a birthday - 40! I tried to work out a surprise party, but that's not really his thing, so we just had a house full of friends for a long weekend and took the boat out for one last spin around Crystal.
Other nice things -
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