Links | November 10, 2023

To start, I would like to report out on my recent journey with giving up coffee and swapping in tea. The quick version is that I absolutely require a stimulant in the morning.

Links | November 10, 2023 -

Listen, it was fine mostly, but I have learned that I am not a happy, cheerful person until I have washed down at least one cup of coffee. I completed a full week of tea only, specifically black tea and caffeinated because I knew I would suffer joy, but was not interested in also suffering withdrawal headaches. Once I'd proved to myself that I was capable, I quickly went back to coffee. I can do it, but I do not enjoy it, and someday I will die, so I'm going to indulge in the small joys while I can. I'm back on the hooch. 

I did find some good teas in the meantime though! I highly recommend this Gingerbread Festival and Hot Cinnamon Spice (truly anything from Harney & Sons seems to be a slam dunk). I recommend both as tea lattes, steeped in frothy steamed milk instead of water. 


1 // ICYMI

In case you missed it, here's what I published recently -

Our Secret Selves | on the slow trickle of sharing bits of ourselves with people we've known the longest. 

October Life Lately

The usual posts about motherhood and how I'm just constantly surprised by it | glimpses of ourselves in our children, and the luxury of independent phases (with a dash of my current obsession with The Crown). 

The last episode of Links



It's time to get serious about moisturizer again and I have two recommendations. I have long been a missionary for this giant green bottle of heaven (smells great, works well and is $7 at Target). And if your face literally flakes like mine does, this heavy oil serum helps. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find, so I'm hesitant to share. 

And it's also the time of year that new agendas begin turning out, and boy am I a sucker. This one is spendy, but when you live and breathe by a calendar as much as I do, I wonder if I can justify the $$$. 

Related: I usually find that a cheap wall calendar serves me best, though. 

I picked up this star garland at World Market last weekend. It's technically for Christmas, but I love this look year around. 

Speaking of Christmas, I'm not one for an Old Fashioned, but I do think this glass ornament is beautiful. Now this felt popcorn - righhhhht up my alley. 

Related: If you're already at Target, shoes are 30% off with the Target Circle coupon. I finally bought a pair of clogs that will remind me every day of my senior year in high school. I wonder if this is what my mom felt like when I started wearing flares in middle school. I guess everything really does come back around!

A few other nice things: 


3 // INTO IT

Links | November 10, 2023 -

Leaning into this and hoping it sustains me. 

Links | November 10, 2023 -

Sold on these cheerful socks

Links | November 10, 2023 -

What a freaking blast. I am so inspired to find fun activities to make the wintertime less miserable. 


4 // LINKS

The voyeur in me is tame, but I do enjoy these food diaries. Like, how do you not click this headline: How a 36 Y/O Attorney eats in Brooklyn on a $300k salary. How?!

While trick-or-treating, I saw a mom in one of those two-piece knit getups that I see in Instagram all the time. I am sold! 

Related: I am very into athleisure coupled with smart, structured coats to elevate a comfy look. 

If it's tomato season, eat a tomato. And other lessons. 

A brief, and riveting, profile of Ava Gardner's marriages. I found it fascinating that she gave up on the whole institution by age 35. 

Still very much enjoying this playlist from The Love List

Thinking a head a bit, but very cosigned on these tasks to do right now (so you can enjoy the holiday season) from Wit and Delight. 

Related: I make a couple of family year books every November and it is one of the true passion projects of my life. 



Eating // Drinking, I guess I should say, but how fun are these pumpkin cocktails? Very on brand for Thanksgiving. Now to the eating, this cinnamon roasted squash is on my menu for the weekend. 

Watching // Deep into The Crown still. The final season kicks off in a week, and I'm in the home stretch of my marathon, starting from S1/E1 late last month. I think I'll come flailing to the finish line just in the nick of time. PS - Charles and Diana are just as exhausting as I remember them. 

Reading // Elizabeth The Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith. As usual, when I get obsessed with something, I go in 100%. 

Listening // I am in a desert dry spell in terms of podcasts. I've been listening to a rotation of the same three for a while now, and enjoyable though they are, I'd love a fresh obsession. Any recommendations? I love history, true crime, and interviews mostly. 


6 // PLANS

Well....daylight savings tomfoolery is mucking things up over here, so I'm hoping we can get a late night in this weekend and reset Duke's little wake up schedule. We're going on a week of 5am wake-ups which doesn't even make sense because it's not like he was waking up at 6am before DLS ended. I don't understand the mystery, but I do respect the rhythms that should not be fucked with. 

Happy Weekending! 

Links | November 10, 2023 -

PS - there are some affiliate links in here, but aren't they everywhere? If you click on a link, they'll throw me a couple pennies for our combined hardwork, so I guess click with caution. 

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