Links | November 22, 2023

Folks, I am onnnnn vacation. A few years ago, while we were on our road trip, our friends from Chicago flew out to Seattle and caravanned with us for a week. It was such a blast. Anyway, our meet up spot was a Lowe's parking lot that they uber'd to and within five minutes, we all had a seltzer cracked and every decision they made was quickly justified by "we're onnnnn vacation." Ryan and I have really adopted that into our lives and this whole week, I've said "I'm ooooooon vacation" at least 37 times a day. Want to stay up late, watching reality TV? Sure, I'm ooooon vacation. Pizza and milkshakes for dinner? You know it and you know why. 

For the record, if I take one single day off work, I'm ooooooon vacation. 

Links | November 22, 2023 |

In other news, I read the other day that, with Thanksgiving so early this year, most folks will mentally be in December that entire last week of November, and I'm inclined to agree. I'm fairly staunch about holding off on Christmas until after the big turkey day, but once I eat the last piece of pumpkin pie, these flood gates open up, baby. 

We're traveling downstate for Thanksgiving this year, so I think I'll haul the tree out while Duke's in school on Wednesday, just so it's ready for decorating when we come home on Friday. And then I'm jumping right in to Operation Get In The Freaking Christmas Spirit. I've really lacked the last couple of years, but this year, GD it, I'm going to feeeeeel the magic. I keep thinking this is my last year with a little kid that still believes. I hope I'm wrong, but just in case I'm not, I'm going all in. Elf on the shelf? Check. Reindeer food on Christmas Eve? Double check. Brisk walks through bonkers neighborhoods, just to scope out their Christmas lights? Check MF check check. 



A few things I've published recently - 

An emotional wandering through Thanksgiving Past. Sigh/sob.

Bits and Bobs - classic journal entry talking about nothing. 

Slightly more substantial, My #1 Parenting Rule - could have also been titled "my only parenting rule." 

The most recent batch of Links - published earlier this month. 



2/3s of us are big big big fans of microfiber sheets. Ryan hates them, but Duke and I live for them. Ryan was in Chicago for a week and the first thing I did was put on the microfiber sheets. Duke moved into my room for the week and I am telling you, every night we just oooh'd and ahhhh'd when we slid under the covers. It occurred to me that I should get Duke a set for his own bed so he can enjoy them more constantly. 

I decided to join the Nancy Meyers Kitchen movement and get a ($12!) lamp for my dining room. Honestly? 10 out of 10, recommend. Do not underestimate the cozy value of ambiance. 

Bought a pair of Target brand potato shoes. Dang it, I love them. 

And a few other things I've got my eye on - 



Links | November 22, 2023 |

This somehow feels Italian and French and American Thanksgiving, all at the same time. 

Links | November 22, 2023 |

Links | November 22, 2023 |

Leave it to Emily to somehow describe how I feel about my current life state so perfectly and beautifully. 



A whole instagram, dedicated to famous people reading. I have never clicked "follow" so fast. 

There's something so romantically movie-ish about happy hour at home. I loved these notes on making (really good) cocktails at home

The 100 Must-Read Books of 2023 - I've read exactly one book from this list - The Guest - and based on how much I enjoyed that one, I'm willing to lend credence to the entire list. 

Lolololol. Short week, but also a long week. As told by the folks at Sunday Scaries



Reading: Still working my way through an absolute tome about Queen Elizabeth, and also about peed myself at a thrift store when I found Spare by Prince Harry for $5. I guess I'll be continuing my way through non-fiction about the royal family a bit longer. Other than that, I'd really like to see Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver under my Christmas tree (I'm talking to you, Ryan). 

Eating: I made these gingerbread muffins and it's a banger recipe. PS I skipped the glaze. 

Listening: Something Was Wrong (season 18) - a podcast about a woman who faked pregnancy and stillbirth, and duped several doulas along the way. Very very weird. Also, after watching pt.1 of the last season of The Crown, which covers Princess Di's final days, this episode of You're Wrong About. 

Watching: I've been watching Botched on Netflix, which inspires me to maybe just like, be grateful for my natural body. It's a true guilty pleasure and I'm adequately ashamed. Also working my way through this list of Thanksgiving movies - who knew there were so many?!



I usually like to post Links on Fridays, but I'm going live with this a bit early this week in reverence of the holiday. Lol, just kidding. Actually the truth is that I started writing this the weekend before the holiday and if I hold it until Friday, many of the things I said in present tense will indeed be past tense and I'm not interested in a re-write.  

Speaking of a re-write, I'm working my way through nanowrimo and while I'm not holding myself to finishing a complete novel by Nov. 30th, I am holding myself to completing it near that date. The imaginary deadline is a wonderful motivator, and I had this lovely feeling over the weekend as I finished up a scene I'd long had in my head, considering it somewhere around the middle of the plot: I might actually do this. I might actually write this book. I might actually complete it. 

It's been quite some time since I've set a meaningful goal and achieved it. I'm very indulgent with myself and full of excuses (this is not a season of my life that facilitates creativity, I'm so busy, I should be focusing on motherhood...etc etc), but earlier this fall, I read a quote that has lingered - the best way to build self confidence is to do the things you say you will do

So, that's what I'm working on. Probably just to say I did it, but I think it'll be worth it just to be proud of myself. 

I also had big plans to chip away at a Thanksgiving puzzle all week, but did not realize I bought a 300 piece puzzle. So that ate up about an hour. 

Links, November 22, 2023 |

Happy long-weekending you guys!

PS - there are some affiliate links in here, but aren't they everywhere? If you click on a link, they'll throw me a couple pennies for our combined hardwork, so I guess click with caution. 

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