The Best of 2023

Last weekend of the year! I have nothing kind to say about 2023. This week, I spilled an entire can of paint on my carpet, and it was so apropos for a year that felt like fires springing up every time I turned my back. I freaked out, but found myself in the bathroom mirror, as I soaked a towel to begin blotting up the mess. Self, I said tersely to my own reflection, staring her right in the eye, you have to be calm to handle this. And you know, I did. Calm down, I mean, and handle the problem. Miraculously, no evidence of the mishap remains and in the end, I stood over the wet spot, feeling like it was all symbolic. In that moment, I conquered the year. 

Of course, I have to acknowledge that there were more good bits than bad bobs. So now, I present to you, an exhaustive list of everything good from our year. The annual best of highlight reel. 

Happy New Year friends!



We started our year in the same place that starts every good day - at the beach. Seemed like a good omen.

The Best of 2023 |

It was a mild season overall - hallelujah - so we spent a lot of time outside. I completed a mostly dry January. Duke lost his first tooth. I took him on a hundred drives all over Benzie County just to get out of the house. My sister and brother-in-law stayed with us for a weekend and I coaxed my sister on stage to do karaoke with me, which is probably my highest achievement. I'm no winter gal, but I think we made the most of it. 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |



Reprieve from hitting the winter wall! I went to Savannah in April and fell in love with the historic city, but left Ryan in charge of Duke's nutrition, which had questionable results. 

In line with a mild winter, spring warmed up early. I remember sitting on our front porch steps on Easter Sunday and visiting the garden store over in Frankfort early in May. Duke started watching Bluey everyday and in accordance, we made a pavlova (pavlov-er). It was disappointing, it basically tasted like an omelet with fruit on top. 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |



We had the most glorious summer. It came in hot and we were swimming by Memorial Day. What a treat. We bought a lake house. My baby sister got married. I turned 35 and Ryan camped up the Continental Divide. 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |



I was my usual boohoo-y self about the impending fall. I live for summer so much, I take it personally when the people around me are all like "yay! fall!" But also as usual, I came around to it. I'm a big believer in everything it in its time, so August ain't its time, but October is, and by then, I'm ready. 

Duke went to 1st grade. We crashed my sister's anniversary trip and joined their family on Mackinaw Island for a day. We watched a hundred movies on the projector and I built as many bonfires in our solo stove (solid investment that I've never regretted). And of course, we trick or treated (in the snow!). 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |



I'm here to suggest that there are indeed five seasons and Christmas is one of them. Try as I might, I cannot reignite the feelings of Christmas from my childhood. I really put in effort, but it's not happening. I don't feel any Christmas letdown after it's over because I didn't peak out before the big day. But I did have a nice day, and I enjoyed the season nonetheless. 

Duke, however, is filled to the actual brim with the magic and joy of Christmas. He was in my room on Christmas morning around 3:30 trying to talk me into waking up. He wisely accepted defeat but quickly began negotiating for a 4am wake up. I said no freaking way and rolled over. When I got up a couple hours later, he was laying on a mattress on the floor, completely knocked out. See? Christmas miracles are real. 

Ryan bought himself a giant Tonka truck. Ralphie got his Red Rider. I took a walk, coatless, on our 50º Christmas day, and Duke gave Ryan the most hilarious present ever. He picked it out himself and was SO EXCITED to give it to Ryan. 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |


Things I Read and Ate

Is it really a "best of" if I don't heartily detail out the greatest joys of my year? Food, booze and words. It's how I fill my day. It's what I look forward to. It's how I nourish my body and mind. Lol. 

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |

The Best of 2023 |


And my favorite snap from this year - this is Ryan's sister in Lake Michigan at Frankfort Beach. She is my muse. Or maybe the lake is my muse. Whichever - I love this photo. 

The Best of 2023 |


I am excited for 2024, and optimistic too. Looking out at the endless ocean of a new year from the bow of January, it's fun to imagine what's out there. Headwinds sure, but also tailwinds and views and an island perhaps, seemingly out of reach, but actually just waiting for me to find my oars and row myself over there. 

Happy New Year you guys! I wish you lots of Sunday mornings and long, lazy afternoons. Pitchers of margaritas and friends to drink them with. Tables to sit around until the candles burn down. Couches to lay on, and islands to row towards. I wish us all every good thing. 

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