What to Watch and Listen to This October | 5 Recommendations for Spooky Szn
Okie dokie smokey, we're full-on in Halloween season, which we need to indulge, because you know that at approximately 12:01am on November 1st, we shift into Christmas music and consumerism high gear and I'm just saying that what we have right now is special and streaming services are dishing up some goodies to get you into the spooky szn mood.
First, SNL is back (praise!) and I live for the election year seasons. Listen, after 2016, I won't pretend to have even a little guess at who is going to win this thing, but either way, I hope Jim Carrey as Joe and Maya Rudolph as Kamala stay on for a good long time.
So Saturday night is booked. Let's fill up the rest of your weeknights.
American Murder: The Family Nextdoor (Netflix)
Chris Watts, who thinks he's better at lying than he actually is, killed his family in 2018 because he had a girlfriend AND a pregnant wife. It is a tough balance, but couldn't you like, have a difficult conversation instead of committing a felony? Personally, I would have gotten suspicious the minute he started working out, but that's just me. I don't know in WHAT world murdering your wife and toddlers makes more sense than just getting a divorce, but that's the world Chris Watts was living in. He gets even shittier, so buckle up.
This recounts the details complete with home video and it will throw you off how normal things seem...at first. Dudes like this are a million times scarier than any ghost or goblin Hollywood can dream up.
Red Dog Saloon (Amazon Prime)
Good news for folks who aren't into scary stuff; this one isn't, like at all. But it is highly interesting and sporadically funny. I think we can agree that the stripping profession is a career choice with a swift expiration date, so this documentary follows some gals who graduated from the gig a few decades ago. One of the now-adult sons interviews his mom, a former dancer at an iconic club, along with her colleagues and it is goooood.
Lots of drugs and booze, tassels, and F words. It's a total riot.
Ratched (Netflix)
Back for more with another Ryan Murphy/Sarah Paulson collab, which I am always here for. This is sort of the prequel to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and it's all the campy, indulgent storytelling that you would expect from the co-creator of the American Horror Story franchise.
Paulson plays a nutjob nurse that isn't squeamish about blood (or a DIY lobotomy) on a mission to free a man from law enforcement. Binge-worthy, for sure.
It's graphic, bloody, and violent, so it probably goes without saying: not particularly family-friendly. Save it for after the kiddos go to bed.
Down the Hill Podcast
Two young girls were murdered in Indiana in 2017 and here's the zinger: one of them recorded it on her cell phone. There is audio and video of their murderer, but it's seriously limited by law enforcement, who want to keep the details under wraps. They're pretty close-lipped about why - my guess is confidentiality and probably because it's fucking grisly - but they have released his voice and video of him walking across a bridge.
It's scary because it's real. People kill kids and there's nothing scarier than that. It's interesting because we know one of the girls had the wherewithal to push "record" on her phone and pop that baby in her coat pocket. And the murderer left it at the scene of the crime.
I have been obsessed with this case and the podcast is well done, engaging, and slow-burning enough to keep you binging it. It's totally solvable. The right person just needs to hear the audio and see the video and recognize it. If you're curious, CLICK HERE to check out the video and audio that has been released.
hercampus Fall Playlist
Ready to roll as a perfect October playlist if 10 songs and 40 minutes is plenty for you. Otherwise, just add a few of the jams to your fall tunes and call yourself a curator.
Very relaxed, slow stuff, just the way I like Fall to be. Sourced from hercampus here.
Bonus Recs:
A couple extras with a family-friendly flavor to them. We love watching a few of these with Duke -
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Hulu)
Specifically, the Melissa Joan Hart version which Duke calls "the talking cat show". I call it TGIF and love the throwback feeling of watching it on the couch with my sisters when we were kids in the '90s.
Scooby-Doo (Netflix)
If any of my above recommendations didn't already prove that the worst monsters are just people, this one will drive it right on home. Shaggy, Scooby, and the gang are another nostalgic delight that we enjoy and a perfect opportunity for me to warn Duke about assholes that wear nice people masks.
The Addams Family (Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime)
Freaky, weird, and yet, a lovely example of a family that loves each other. So rare these days. Anyway, Thing, otherwise known as the "dancing hand" at our house, never fails to delight Duke. I happily make a Friday Movie Night out of it because we all love it.
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